Boss on the Beach

Are You a Business Owner Who’s Pivoted So Many Times in the Past 2Years Your Head is Spinning?

Are You Ready to Stop Spinning and Earn the Money You’re Meant to Earn and Serve the People Who Are Looking for You?

You’ve been doing everything you could to keep your business going through an extraordinarily tough and unpredictable time.

Surprisingly, for me, 2020-22 have been my best years in business ever. I did it with 3 important resources:

  • I hired a coach who gave me 1-1 attention all year long

  • I built on what I already knew I want and what I do well  – consistently, every day

  • I relied on a a candid team of advisors to provide feedback, share resources and occasionally stop me from making a nutty choice.

As we come out of the pandemic, business owners are finding new opportunity, new ways to reach their audience and new pockets of hungry customers; buyers who want to spend, grow, and feel good about it. Yet, now, we may be shifting into a recession; another pivot?

Shift Happens. Is it Happening for You?

It isn’t easy to make swift decisions and radical changes without some support, some confirmation that “yes, this is a good idea.” The most powerful way to find that support is with objective colleagues, a sounding board to find the opportunities and assets you can leverage now and build into your next business or next way of managing your established business.

Make Shift Happen with a Planned Response for Profit & Your Great Life

An Advisory Board, Your Secret Weapon

Small Business Owners in Non-Competing Professions Who Face the Same Problems Yet Think Differently Will Deliver Creative Solutions When New Ideas are Exactly What You Need

Since 2002, I’ve hosted many business masterminds and advisory boards; small, trusted groups of non-competing business owners in a convenient, value-filled and results-focused forum to gain and share a wealth of invaluable resources.

An advisory board is your opportunity to gain:

⇒ insights


⇒ expertise

⇒ feedback

⇒ resources

Advisory board meeting⇒ validation

⇒ accountability

⇒ creative thinking

⇒ meaningful support

⇒ results you want: growth and profit



They’re all saying ‘Pivot!’ But where to? How to?

With your ‘Shift Happens’ advisory board you’ll

clarify the direction and actions that achieve priorities

in ways that matter now

You’ll focus on three things:

Your Why: Remembering the underlying reason – your motivation, your goal – is what can keep you going. So, we’ll be very clear on your vision for success that propels you forward daily.

Your What: You have strengths, resources, relationships and other ‘hidden’ assets you can leverage for greater contribution to your business. Your advisory team will help reveal what they are and how to use them more powerfully.

Your How: Here’s where we review or create your plan for your new normal – strategy, budget, marketing, team, timeline and processes – and visibility to your audience where they can be found now. And, most importantly, it’s where you take action ~

Today was amazing, just like the last one. The group dynamics, combined with the value of the information/advice shared on the business conversation calls, are a key component to the future growth of my business. Thank you again for everything.” Laney Liner, Blue Thunder Creative Group

And what do you get as a result of having these resources?

  • The security you need to regain during a changing business landscape
  • The abundance you’ve craved through a profitable, well-run business
  • The knowledge that you’re on the right path, moving forward, with support and partnerships
  • The time to enjoy your family, friends and personal life
  • The ability to contribute – to customers, team, the community that supports you
  • The plan for continued sales and profit
  • Organization: a binder with all the templates and planning systems to make your notes and plans easy to follow and check off with each achievement

You always kept me on track and focused on my big goals; even in the middle of so many projects and details I knew the important tasks to pursue and could count on you and the group to support me.” Steve Neary, Sr. EVP, South Fork Funding

Advisory Board team‘Shift Happens’ is where you’ll find: relevant expertise, solution-focused resources, short cuts built on experience and peer support to see you win!

Consider the value in sharing with or learning from your peers:

  • those who’ve faced the frustration you often feel
  • those who understand your situations and concerns
  • those who can offer reliable resources on your behalf
  • those who can tweak and fine-tune your plans and choices
  • those who can help clarify your ideas, strategies, goals, vision
  • those who‘ll listen and take all your ideas and suggestions seriously
  • those who have found answers & solutions for the challenges you face

The problem is, how do you ask? Who do you ask? Where do you find those who are willing to hear you and want to help solve your problems? How do you know you can trust someone not to take your ideas or share them with your competition?

The answer is:

Shift Happens

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Notice that 25% discount with program prepayment?

With this confidential, structured and candid advisory board format and without a competitor in sight, you’ll be in a safe environment where each member has come to share, learn, and listen with an open mind; to give you the respect and compassion you may need to discuss sensitive topics; to focus your scattered thoughts on the option that will work for you; to get beyond frustration to solution.

All the benefits you want and none of the hassles. 

  • You may have attended various networking events and find they‘re primarily designed to exchange leads or solicit your business.
  • You may have joined non-competitive, ongoing business groups yet find the time requirement is more than you can commit.

With your Shift Happens partners, the focus, cost and time commitment are ‘right on the money’ responsive to your needs and resources:

  • the virtual and recorded format means you can join us from anywhere; you won‘t have to choose between commitments.
  • Your colleagues will become resources you’ll turn to for reliability, honesty and confidentiality in a focused, frank discussion each month.
  • And, if you miss a meeting, well, of course we’ll miss you. However, you’ll get the recording and still have access to the ‘aha’ moments I know you’ll find, month after month.

With ‘Shift Happens’ the comparison of cost vs. value will always top out on the ‘value’ side

⇒ invaluable confidential and focused professional attention on your business

⇒ access to like-minded small business owners, willing to share their experiences for your benefit

⇒ increased skill at quickly clarifying your needs and desired outcomes

⇒ new affiliations and friendships

⇒ support when you really need it, while you work through challenges

⇒ the accountability of your peers, making it harder for you to delay action on your commitments

⇒ a diversified support teamAdvisory Board meeting

⇒ the collective wisdom of the group

⇒ the energy of business owners who want to succeed by making their dreams real

⇒ new strategies and techniques to expand your competitive edge, save time, make more money, build stronger relationships with your clients and colleagues

⇒ added focus to identify & surpass the goals specifically meaningful for you and your business

private coaching with a single agenda: to see you succeed at a faster pace

How Does it Work?

  •  a 2-hour group Zoom meeting each month. Time to discuss your issue, decision, challenge, or opportunity; you’ll get specific, actionable feedback from your trusted peers 
  •  a private and recorded strategy meeting with me each month
  •  semi-annual planning session: start with the end in mind and then break it down into scheduled and doable, small steps
  •  access to diverse owners willing to share so you expand your ‘tool kit’
  •  a private forum via our Facebook group – post issues, requests, documents, suggestions, tools in between meetings
  •  discounted or free participation in tele-classes, workshops, services and programs offered by your coach
  •  Action Guides, Prep Forms, Planning Templates in a binder to keep you on track to your personal and business goals
  • Use the group to expedite and advance your goals, whether business or personal
  • With your advisory team, plan actions to streamline your path towards the outcome you  desire
  • We meet as a group the 3rd Tuesday, noon Eastern.

    group advisory board meeting                                                      What Clients Say:

“I want to thank you for continuing to motivate me; I look forward to our next Zoominar. Thanks again for sharing your passion and knowledge w/me, it’s contagious.”

Kelley J. Waltrip, District Manager, Arbonne

“Thanks for this!  Your perspective is like viewing something from a fresh set of eyes and it’s good to have that!”

Lauren Bradley, Partner, West Star Capitaladvisory board meeting

“I give you credit for emotional clarity, strong boundaries and grounding me  as I returned to my business path; thank you! I was in a fog  and this is very significant for me.”

Kathleen Hendrickson, M.A., therapist

“Great session! You are an excellent facilitator. I like the format, movement and dynamics within the group. I was wondering how the 2 hours would go…it went fine! You are excellent at keeping everything moving in a timely way and even ended right on time!”

Joani Madarash, accessLinx  


“I realized I love the group format, thank you!”

Catherine M. Laub, author & spiritual guide


“I really got a lot out of this call. Thank you so much.  As always, you are fabulous!!!!”

Joan M. Strong,  space planner

WOW! 25% savings if you can pay in full!

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What Do You Bring to the Successful Meeting?

  • Willingness to share experiences, impressions, wisdom, feedback on behalf of your fellow members.
  • Attend and participate in the meetings — focused, prepared and on time.
  • Your belief that others can assist you and have your best interests at heart, without any hidden agenda.
  • Extend complete confidentiality and be asured the same courtesy will be extended to you.
  • Able to hear and respect others’ points of view.
  • Help your fellow group members toward the success they seek and they’ll contribute to yours.
  • Do the things you commit to do.

Accomplished goalsExtra, Extra! We Love ♥ Bonuses  

BONUS #1: Expansive initial private meeting with your coach to review, plan or revise your annual marketing plan; value: $425

BONUS #2: The Roadmap to Your Ideal Audience: has your marketplace shifted? Disappeared? Ignored You? With this comprehensive tool you’ll craft a clear picture of your ‘avatar’ the person who most wants the benefits and outcomes your product delivers; value: $325

WOW – that’s an extra $750+ in bonuses that will keep growing in value after you use them; pretty good deal!

Yes! I Know the Power of Having an Advisory Team because Shift Happens; Count Me In!

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Nice! 25% discount if you know this is your next journey of growth…

Get your support team in place now. Start finding the feedback, solutions and opportunities that have eluded you so far.

You don’t have to build or revise your business alone! So many business owners have found the solutions you need. So many business owners are looking for the help you’re able to provide. Do you believe ‘what goes around comes around’? Do it with us! Join Shift Happens; find the partners, support and resources to shift gears as we navigate a new business landscape, build a better-run, profitable business, enjoy a happier life through the results of your business vision and actions.

Still have questions?                                         client meeting

No problem. You can reach me right here:

The first step is here. Make your investment choice, get ready to see your business frustrations become your opportunities & achievements. I’m looking forward to sharing a conversation 6 months from now when you tell me: “I’m so thrilled I took the action to respond to the new business environment: it works for me, it honors my priorities and I’m reaching goals I’ve wanted for years!”

It feels great to wake up each day with gratitude for the life you have, knowing you built it from a business you love; a business that adds to the lives of all who come in contact with it. And it starts by knowing you  can get the help you need from a team that wants to see you succeed.


my signature


It’s next summer: Will you still be deep in the lonely frustration of not knowing how to change gears? Will you be struggling to transform your business into your vision of more value for clients and more wealth, freedom and choice for you?

Invest in your dreams, right here and now! Put those dreams on the ‘front burner’ where they belong! Use the tools, get the answers, the support, personalized care and guidance this program includes and watch what changes.

Start making changes to achieve the business and lifestyle you’ve always wanted with a world-class selection of resources and support team.

Enjoy a business that continuously delivers value for you, your customers and all it touches. Select the ‘Yes! Let Me In Now’ choice that works for you. Don’t leave this page without making this commitment to yourself and your dreams!