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Coaching Programs for Measurable Results
Customized programs to achieve the improvements you want in business.
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Tools to Elevate Your Business, on Your Own
Programs to leverage under-used assets, improve marketing & productivity, go home earlier & happier.
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Premier coaching engagementsto enjoy real progress with a credentialed, award-winning partner
Becoming the Boss on the Beach
Find the ideal form, focus and duration of a coaching engagement designed to achieve your goals. Don’t think it can work? Test my written, money-back guarantee that it will!
Read MoreHire Andrea as Your Next Engaging Speaker
Because it don’t mean a thing if doesn’t produce that ‘ring’ in your cash register…
Read MoreDoes coaching work?
It does if you do; learn more about this 30-year old profession and the financial planner genius who launched a world-wide phenomenon.
Read MoreLike to Open Doors?
Read the blog for new tools and views to build a business that runs well – whether you’re there or not.
Read MoreThis is how we get it done
books published: 6
goal: just yours
hours available: when you need me
satisfied customers: all of 'em
nice things folks say
‘This meeting was a 10! You’ve planted a lot of seeds; always good ideas’.
Chris Kellogg
Goal achieved ! I posted your work sheet on my desk so that I could see it daily as I worked on my goal; it helped me get very clear on the benefits of following through with my goal and the regrets if I did not accomplish it.
Thanks, Andrea !
Joyce Averils
Your suggestions made me realize that I could not do everything myself. I hired a team; now I’m able to get more work done with your support and look forward to working with you and catapulting my business to the next level!
Jennifer Nyx
My goal was to identify my target audience/niche. Not only have I done that, but I have exceeded even the high expectations I usually put on myself. Developed my website, created a facebook business page and developed the basics of my program. Woohoo! Not everything is finished but I feel great about what I’ve accomplished!
Joy Burke
Still achieving! Launched my first free teleseminar and started pre-selling my first-ever training program for entrepreneurs in writing for their businesses. Thanks again!
Lisa Rothstein
Passionate, independence-driven; you seem to find more opportunities and potential outcomes with your open mind, your own set of rules and a willingness to step through open door.
It is remarkable how the right help shows up when you are ready to commit. Andrea, your expert content, knowledge and dedication appeared just as I was beginning to work on my launch. So I had the added ingredient of support; thank you Andrea for your inspiring and very concrete gifts.
Alyse Parise
It is always helpful to know that you are not alone in your angst and struggle. It is also good to get feedback from others in the same boat about things that you are thinking, feeling, and planning. You helped on all of these counts; of course, we benefited greatly from your wisdom and support as well!
Monique Wells
I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your guidance and direction with my new website. You are a joy to work with!
Dr. Diane Pomerance
Focused on your dreams, advancing your BIG picture & less time on the daily grind. You want the effectively run, profitable business that supports your happier, abundant life.
Focused on your dreams….
Andrea Feinberg is “The One” if you’re looking to complete your projects, stop procrastinating and just get ‘er done!
Trish Carr
She has a wealth of experience and time-tested wisdom about what it takes to truly be free. Andrea is the ‘Time Master’ and will transform your habits and change your life for the better.